Business Letter Format
Writing a business letter format
There are the most popular three format of business letter that was always written, classified into three categories: full block form, semi block form and modified block form, whatever formats that you desire, its was ok. Depending on your preferences and habits each of you. These are such a different format that we use for business. However, for pragmatic might be modified to suit and facilitate to organization works.
This format style is very popular for writing business letter because it is a convenient format and easy to remember. Regarding full-block format, every components and paragraphs have to place on left side next from left margin (about one and one-half inch). Such as an example below.
FULL-BLOCK STYLE (Business Letter Format)
[Title (Optional)]
[E-mail (Optional)]
December 21, 2012.
[Recipient’s Name]
[Title (Optional)]
[Company Name]
[Street Address]
[Town, County Postal Code]
Dear [Recipient Name]:
Thank you for your recent order for furniture and its accompanying cheque. Welcome to our ever-growing list of satisfied customers. I have specially requested that your furniture be shipped today.
Our sales representative for West Yorkshire, Mark Harrington, will visit you within the next couple of weeks to thank you in person. He is extremely knowledgeable about our line of furniture and fixtures and he will be anxious to know if can be of any help to you.
In a separate mailing, I will be sending you our new brochure for our new line of patio furniture. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Yours sincerely,
[Your Name, Title]
[Download Business Letter | FULL-BLOCK STYLE Format]
This format style has to write every line and component on the left side next from margin, almost similar to full-block style except for some components such as header(Include with your name, address and phone), date, complement section and also signature will stay on the right side next from the middle of the paper. Such as an example below.
MODIFIED-BLOCK STYLE (Business Letter Format)
[Your Name / Company Name]
[Title (Optional)]
[E-mail (Optional)]
December 21, 2012.
[Recipient’s Name]
[Title (Optional)]
[Company Name]
[Street Address]
[Town, County Postal Code]
Dear [Recipient Name]:
Thank you for your recent order for furniture and its accompanying cheque. Welcome to our ever-growing list of satisfied customers. I have specially requested that your furniture be shipped today.
Our sales representative for West Yorkshire, Mark Harrington, will visit you within the next couple of weeks to thank you in person. He is extremely knowledgeable about our line of furniture and fixtures and he will be anxious to know if can be of any help to you.
In a separate mailing, I will be sending you our new brochure for our new line of patio furniture. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Yours sincerely,
[Your Name, Title]
[Download Business Letter | MODIFIED-BLOCK STYLE Format]
This style similar to the modified-block style, But for every first paragraph in content are need Indent for about 1 inch by press spacebar five times. Such as an example below.
SEMI-BLOCK STYLE (Business Letter Format)
[Your Name / Company Name]
[Title (Optional)]
[E-mail (Optional)]
December 21, 2012.
[Recipient’s Name]
[Title (Optional)]
[Company Name]
[Street Address]
[Town, County Postal Code]
Dear [Recipient Name]:
Thank you for your recent order for furniture and its accompanying cheque. Welcome to our ever-growing list of satisfied customers. I have specially requested that your furniture be shipped today.
Our sales representative for West Yorkshire, Mark Harrington, will visit you within the next couple of weeks to thank you in person. He is extremely knowledgeable about our line of furniture and fixtures and he will be anxious to know if can be of any help to you.
In a separate mailing, I will be sending you our new brochure for our new line of patio furniture. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.
Yours sincerely,
[Your Name, Title]
[Download Business Letter | SEMI-BLOCK STYLE Format]
Example of Business Letter formats
Business Letter Format |
Business Letter Format |
Business Letter Format |
Business Letter Format |
Business Letter Format |
Business Letter Format |
Tag : Business Letter Format,Business Letter Samples,Business Letter Format Template,Business Letter Example,Business Letter Template
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