Business Letter


Writing a business letter

The definition of a business letter

Business letter is a form of business communication. It is a letter that is used as a means of communication in the business world. It is necessary to understand the method of writing a business letter. These letters have a purpose for one of its businesses, such as offering products or services, ordering products or replying on an order. For an example, writing this letter maybe due to Debt complaints relating to faulty or damaged goods, Etc.

There are some differences from Business letters and personal letters, such as design and the implementation of language and words used.

We can say that most of the business letter format and the language is quite formal and do not use ​spoken languages as well as appear in personal letters.

Business Letter

Business Letter

Business Letter

Business Letter

Business Letter

Writing a Business Letter

The importance of Business letter

Business letters are extremely crucial to the business. The key points are summarized as follows.

  1. Save. This will help you to save time and cost. Because in business world, they would not want to waste time or expenses by traveling to contact you.
  2. Rapid and comfortable. To facilitate the contact, in most cases, it is not easy to contact the business associates due to their busy schedule.
  3. To inform description. It’s conducive to communicate in messages to provide more detailed information, clearly and systematically. That’s because the author has more time to plan and prepare for information before writing. Also we can re-verify the information again prior to mailing.
  4. In the field of evidence; reference, search and the most important is legal evidence, because it is written clearly.
  5. In the field of good relationship for business communication. Stimulate for a good relation with cohesion and continuity. For trading business, sometimes customers may lose contact. Thus, companies will issue a letter to their customers to know the real cause. Along with expressed in their readiness to resolve the issue, offering promotions to encourage customers to come back and order your products or services again.
Business Letter

Business Letter

Business Letter

Business Letter

Business Letter

Business Letter



Example of resume

[Company Name]

[Your Name]
Phone: [Number]

21 December 2012

Dear MIT Graduate,

I am writing to share a glimpse from where I sit of today’s MIT. I am astounded by the torrent of inventions such as wireless energy, diagnostic nano-particles, and robotic home care helpers that come to my attention. Our stellar faculty and students are unraveling fundamental mysteries and wrestling with large-scale challengers, such as the increasing demand on energy resources and the global shortage of clean water. The creative vigor on campus to solve such problems is boundless. Like Be scientists and technologists who won the Apollo program’s race to the moon, we are driven by a historic opportunity to make a critical difference, and you are part of the legacy that brought us here.




Business Letter Example

Business Letter

Business Letter Example

Business Letter

Business Letter

Business Letter

Tag : Business Letter,Business Letter Example,Business Letter Sample,Business Letter Thank You,Business Letter Format

By Letter-Resume

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